Omarion was all smiles as he stepped out with his one-month-old son Megaa Omari Grandberry on Wednesday night. The protective father covered his baby’s face from the flashing lights of the paparazzi as he exited Katsuya in Hollywood with girlfriend Apryl Jones.
“I love you. thank you for having my legacy,” Omarion told Jones after she gave birth in August. “I’ll forever belong to you & you will forever be tied to me. Creating a child takes no love or skill but being a parent requires lots of both.”
His former B2K bandmate Lil’ Fizz also tagged along. Omarion and Fizz can be seen on VH1′s new series “Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood,” which premiered Monday to 2.8 million viewers.
Omarion is also working on his MMG debut Sex Playlist and recently collaborated with Jeremih on Da Internz-produced “Show Me.”
Check out more pics of the father and son below.
Photo credit: Splash News + Instagram