Sunday, March 29, 2015

Your week that just happened on Tumblr

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Here's what happened this week on your Dashboard!
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unkemptanduncool wellcomemyfrind




Obama on gay adoption 

yeah totally ruining this country what a horrible guy

Fun fact: Obama has attempted to fix almost everything that he promised to fix, but the republicans have voted almost all of his bills out of congress. He's not the problem.

1,852,657 notes

A couple of 60-sec random digital sketches I scribbled yesterday. I pretty much caressed the screen in no specific order (hence, the BOLD emphasis on "random") and came up with something that resembles, by my perspective: a bull (above) and a costumed crime-fighter (below). I dub them "El Toro" and the, uh … "Masked Vigilante". Yea, that'll work.

#sketch #digital art #digital illustration #visual art #my artwork

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